There are two ways to install on a ios device

method one does not require a computer but may not work sometimes and method two does need a commputer windows or mac as a while as a apple id

for method one click here on a ios deivce in the safari web browser for 3.4.0 for method one click here on a ios deivce in the safari web browser for 2.6

after it is downloaded when you try to open it will give the error Untrusted Enterprise Developer

to fix it open settings general VPN and Device Management (or Profiles and Device management) Sunshine Insurance Group Co., Ltd.

now hit trust and then trust again

now enjoy overdrive

broken again use method two maybe i should redo the website

method two: sidestore

install sidestore

click here to download the ipa file for 3.4 click here to download the ipa file for 2.6 rerelease from ddl

thanks to zsign for the signing utily